The Vermont Paddlers Club

Meet new friends, and paddle better!
Whitewater Tactics (Kayak)
Dates: Wednesday, June 2nd... Day 2 TBD
Time: 3-6 PM each day
Location: TBA
Pre-Requisite Skills: Comfortable kayaking/swimming Class II
Fee: Free for VPC/ACA Members, $10.00 for Non-ACA Members.

The whitewater tactics is a two day, 6 hour clinic is designed for both class II kayakers interested in developing the boat control and awareness required in class III environments and for more experienced paddlers wishing to refine their skills inventory and move from river running to making complex moves with accuracy. This will be a fun; student centered learning experience that will focus on core paddling technique and the boat, body, blade and brain relationship. The clinic is limited to 6 students so please register on-line.

For additional information please contact Todd A Johnstone-Wright at

Required Equipment:

  • Properly Outfitted River Kayak (appropriate flotation is required)
  • Well fitted, USCG Approved Type III PFD or Type V whitewater rescue vest.
  • Well fitted, sport specific helmet.
  • Spray Deck
  • Paddle
  • Thermal Protection appropriate for the environment.
  • Closed toed paddling shoes.
  • Food and water for the session.
  • Dry bag of dry, synthetic insulating layers.
  • Any additional items that you may require while on the water sun screen, medications etc.
Todd A Johnstone-Wright
ACA L5 Coastal, L4 IT Coastal, L4 Whitewater and Surf, Aspirant L4 Whitewater IT, BCU L3 Coach.

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