The Vermont Paddlers Club

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Roles and Responsibilities

Here's a quick overview of the 7 elected VPC offices, and officer roles. This is covered in more detail in the bylaws of the VPC. In recent years, we've tried to be more explicit in assigning the 3 "directors at large" to specific program areas, namely "safety/education", "activities", and "communication".


Welcomes each new VPC member. Plans/announces/hosts all VPC member mtgs. and executive meetings. Works together with the treasurer to assure club liquidity and produce a budget. Encourages and supports the other officers and their work.

Vice President:

With help from the Activities Director provides club with spring WW schedule and summer WW/FW schedule. Recruits new trip organizers, as needed. Sets up winter pool sessions and recruits volunteers to staff them. Plans entertainment for club meetings. Engages in occasional community outreach (youth, UVM, conservation e.g. Green Up Day, etc.). Succeeds the president in the event the president can no longer fulfill his or her duties.


Handles the money, keeps the books, and maintains the member roster. Provides financial statements to the board/executive committee when requested to do so.


Takes minutes at business meetings and keeps a permanent record of these. Steers website evolution. Supports the Communication Director in the publication/dissemination of meeting notices, newsletters, etc. to all club members.

Activities Director:

With help from the Vice President provides club with spring WW schedule and summer WW/FW schedule. Recruits new trip organizers, as needed. Sets up winter pool sessions and recruits volunteers to staff them. Engages in occasional community outreach (youth, UVM, conservation e.g. Green Up Day, etc.

Communication Director:

Ideally a creative, articulate guy or gal, proficient with word processing. Publishes the Bow and Stern 2-3 times per year (Mar/Jun/?Nov). Prints and distributes VPC brochures. Supports the Secretary and his/her work.

Safety & Education Director:

Stays current with ACA expectations for its Paddle America Clubs like VPC (membership, waivers, etc.). Organizes trip organizer training at least once per year. Serves as chairperson for the annual Novice Whitewater Clinic.

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