The Vermont Paddlers Club

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Green Release

Saturday Apr 11, 2015
Kayak: Ryan M, Jason M, Dan M
Organizer: Ryan
Difficulty: advanced WW
Level: low boatable
Author: Ryan

PA to VT Ed VIII........

Jason and Dan rolled in late the night before the spring Green Release.  We got off to a late start so missed the crowds form early day on the Green.  Sounds like they did a good bit of ice-breaking on the river.  We waited for the sun to come out.


The first drop - Moonshine - went with out incident for Jason (Dan and I skipped it), as did the rest of the upper drops.  Young Buck was socked in with ice so was closed out for the weekend.  Old buck, Humble Pie, Do-si-do, and everything down to Lumber Yard was low in flow, but high in fun.  Down to Lumber Yard - there was ice the regular line, so gave the right line a go - holy boat abuse.  Jason ran the left, regular line and got hammered and went for a swim.  Easy boat recovery and off we went through a couple of s-bends and then the manky little falls.  This leads into Runway.  The line of choice is down the left and off the lip for a super fun boof.  The only problem is there is a massive ice bridge with all of the water going under it on that line.  Jason was out in front and was barreling down that line.  Like a cat he was out of his boat and clinging to a rock...  PURE LUCK or athletic ability!  Boat and boy was a-0K.  Paddle not so much, so if you see an H2O paddle on the green with a silver bent shaft, give me a shout.  We ripped on down to Piton with clean lines and Jason using his break down paddle. 



That was just the beginning of the weekend.......



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