The Vermont Paddlers Club

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subject Been’s all because of a paddler named Bernie
author Steve Melamed
city Middlesex
posted Wednesday Sep 30th 2020, 12:45 PM
in reply to 'River surfing in.....Dayton, Ohio?' by: Chris

So I went to school near there, even bought my first play boat at Whitewater Warehouse*, which a West Virginian C1 paddler started as a kind of centralized center for whitewater boats for the Eastern Midwest, kind of like the NOC or Zoar. To do so he got a play wave built right outside the shop. Of course unlike Zoar or NOC, it is in an industrial neighborhood of a small city. Always makes me wonder why we can't get the resources together to convert our low head dams into whitewater play waves like Dayton did...



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